Clarity and assurance: Digital X-rays provide us doctors with excellent image quality with which we can make an even faster and more precise diagnosis. The health of our patients also plays an important role here, because the radiation exposure with digital X-rays is significantly lower than with conventional X-rays. This modern technological method is also practical, whereby archiving the digital recordings requires minimal space, environmentally friendly, and digital images can simply be given to our patients.
Well-equipped against osteoporosis: When treating the widespread disease osteoporosis (bone loss), a bone density measurement provides information about the structure and strength of the bone. With the DXA method, we use one of the most precise and internationally recognised measuring methods, in which only a very low level of X-ray radiation penetrates the patient's body in order to determine the mineral content of the bones. For the patient, this means a quick and painless examination without side effects, and with reliable measurement results and minimal radiation exposure.
For optimal insight: With the ultrasound examination of the musculoskeletal system, we can display muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints without any radiation exposure - a useful addition or even a replacement for X-ray diagnostics. Soft tissue structures can be optimally assessed using the ultrasound images. Another great advantage of sonography, as the ultrasound examination is also called, is the possibility of harmless repeatability. Ultrasound diagnostics not only offer the possibility of progress monitoring, but also that of a dynamic-functional examination.
How tall will my child be? A question that many parents ask themselves out of interest, but which can also be of great benefit when making orthopaedic therapy decisions. We would be happy to provide you with an answer! We use the Tanner-Whitehouse method to calculate the expected height of your child. To do this, we take an X-ray of the left hand. With the help of comparison and reference images, the expected height of your child can then be determined with very low-radiation, completely harmless and fairly precise. Suitable for children aged approx. 5 to 18 years old, depending on their gender.
In short: With the treadmill analysis with dynamic foot pressure measurement, the exact weight distribution between both feet and different foot areas as well as the movement sequences when walking and running can be assessed. These measurement results make it possible to optimise the running movement, to find suitable sports shoes and to correct any positional deviations, for example by using special shoe insoles.
A treadmill analysis with dynamic internal foot pressure measurement is recommended for complaints in the area of ββthe ankles, knees, hips or tendons of the lower extremities. In addition, the analysis serves to optimise movement sequences in order to avoid injuries or inappropriate weight bearing or to enable an increase in performance.